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Home » 2015 » November » 07

Wiro Sableng Chapter 1 Part E

Baca Wiro Sableng Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Empat Berewok Dari Goa Sanggreng


Sebagai pendekar yang baru turun gunung dan cemplungkan diri dalam dunia persilatan tentu saja Wiro Sableng buta pengalaman dalam pertempuran. Tapi selama tujuh belas tahun digembleng oleh Eyang Sinto Gendeng maka serangan-serangan yang dahsyat itu sama sekali tidak membuat pendekar muda ini menjadi gugup.

Views: 454 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Wiro Sableng Chapter 1 Part D

Baca Wiro Sableng Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Empat Berewok Dari Goa Sanggreng


Dia masih juga mencabuti rerumputan yang bertumbuhan di makam itu. Dia sama sekali tak mengacuhkan derap kaki kuda yang menggeru di belakangnya karena menyangka bahwa itu adalah kuda-kuda yang biasa lalu lalang di tempat tersebut. Tapi tangannya yang halus itu berhenti mencabuti rerumputan ketika di belakangnya terdengar suara tertawa seseorang.

Views: 480 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Wiro Sableng Chapter 1 Part C

Baca Wiro Sableng Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Empat Berewok Dari Goa Sanggreng



Tetapi Eyang Sinto bukan menyerangnya. Nenek-nenek sakti ini ternyata hanya melompat ke atas pohon jambu klutuk dan duduk di cabang tempat dia duduk sebelumnya.
"Bagus Wiro.... bagus sekali," katanya. Mukanya dihadapkan lurus-lurus ke arah timur. "Sekian lama kau kudidik di puncak Gunung Gede ini, ternyata tidak
mengecewakan....!" Sinto Gendeng tertawa melengking-lengking.

Views: 464 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Wiro Sableng Chapter 1 Part B

Baca Wiro Sableng Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Empat Berewok Dari Goa Sanggreng


"Manusia keparat yang tidak tahu diri, hari ini terimalah mampus di tanganku!" bentak Mahesa Birawa seraya angkat lengan kirinya untuk menangkis pukulan
lawan. Dua lengan beradu dengan keras, Ranaweleng terpelanting ke belakang sedang Mahesa Birawa hanya terjajar beberapa langkah saja. Lengan Ranaweleng yang beradu dengan lengan Mahesa Birawa kelihatan kemerahan dan perih. Laki-laki ini menggigit bibirnya menahan sakit. Dia maklum bahwa tenaga dalamnnya lebih rendah dari lawan.

Views: 512 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Wiro Sableng Chapter 1 Part A

Baca Wiro Sableng Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Empat Berewok Dari Goa Sanggreng


"Ini!" kata laki-laki berkumis melintang itu dengan suara kasar. "Berikan sama dia! Aku harus terima jawaban hari ini juga, Kalingundil!! Kau dengar!?"

Orang yang bernama Kalingundil mengangguk. Diambil surat yang disodorkan. "Kalau dia banyak bacot.....," kata laki-laki berkumis melintang itu pula, "bikin beres saja. Berangkat sekarang, jika perlu bawa Saksoko!"

Views: 506 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 20 Part A


Chapter 20 – The Wavering Maiden’s Heart

There is an old witch living in the corner of the capital Beriand.

That is the rumor that floats around an old housing building that placed far away from the residential district.

Views: 340 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 19


Chapter 19 - The God's Wrath And Thus The God's Privilege

Renya with quick step approach the two girls then he scatter some kind of shining powder from his right hand to the both of them. The two girls’ body got plastered all over by that shining powder shines dimly in the dark night.

Views: 414 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 18


Chapter 18 – A Malicious Scheme

It was a gloomy room filled with the smell of mold and plastered with dust all over. Therese and Doris can be seen inside that room, sitting on the floor while holding each other.

Views: 356 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 17


Chapter 17 – Mascot Girl

Two weeks has passed since the duel with Elvira.

Renya and his companion have already got used to the live in capital that was hard and filled with troubles at first. And their lives there are now sailing smoothly. Too smooth if one had to say.

Views: 374 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 16


Chapter 16 - 2nd Passage of the Legend: The Duel with the Dragon Princess (last part)


“As strong as a tempest as fast as a gale, bring your divinity and turn it into a strong gust of wind! Howl! My Divine Dragon Slaying Hailstorm Sword「Ame no Habakiri」!”

Views: 341 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 15


Chapter 15 - 2nd Passage of the Legend: The Duel with the Dragon Princess (1st part)

“Wait wait… Even if you say dragon I can’t understand to anything you’ve said”
“That’s true right~, All I can see is a totally normal human woman anyway”

Views: 336 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 14


Chapter 14 – A Loli Schoolgirl and A Mysterious Beauty

“Hau… Hau… erm thank you for saving me”
“You’re welcome. And you seems to be fine also, I’m glad”

To the girl that won’t be weird to be called a child who keeps politely bowing her head multiple times toward him, Renya acts twice as gentleman as he usually was.

Views: 347 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 13


Chapter 13 – Arriving at Capital City Beriand and the 2nd Flag

Capital City Beriand
Located at the heart of Sirkaberia Kingdom, The home of Sirkaberia royal castle, Capital City Beriand is the center of government of the country.
With the royal castle as the center, the capital is divided neatly into residential district, shopping district, and even with amusement district included. All of it is enclosed with a solid white wall that completely protects the whole capital. The capital also put their focus to the transportation department proven by providing mass transportation service using horse cart that runs on regular basis so citizens can easily move around on this vast capital.

Views: 376 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 12


Chapter 12 – For God, It was a Piece of Cakes

While the panicked monsters running disorderly away from the fortress, the three boughs the captured sect members to the surrounding forest.
That is because, as Brenda suggests, it is bad to do interrogation on a place where people might come and overhear them like in that fortress or in any other place close to human settlements.
Even with Renya and Floria power, dealing with things related to mind reading or soul searching is fundamentally hard.

Views: 322 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 11

Chapter 11 – Attacks at the Branch Division and Instant Annihilation


*Warning: this chapter has quite a lot of bad languages and curses contained within.

Going south from the city, then walk for a day with camping interposed, the three of them was able to infiltrate to a desolate fortress located alongside the river.
Of course, it was Renya and Floria divine power that done all the work to put the three in a stealth mode like condition. It was a perfect isolation barrier that will hide them perfectly that no one will ever notice them even if they were to walk in front of someone face. Even magic won’t be able to detect them.

Views: 348 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 10

Chapter 10 – 1st step to harem 

“Are you stupid?”
“This is important so I have to say it twice, you are stupid don’t you?”
“From question form into affirmation……”
Renya can only curl himself up while enduring Brenda’s subzero icy cold stare. After the previous coming out, Renya explain the process of him becoming a god but Brenda expression grows even colder as he explains.

Views: 678 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 9

Chapter 9 – A Stupid God

The barrier that surrounds Renya and the other team party breaks as the giant golem ceased functioning from Renya’s hell fire attack, returning them to where they were before.
The place with debris is just the way it was before as they first set their sight on it. There’s not even a single trace left from the battle that was just happened before. Grais and his team was dumbfounded by that fact but they come to understanding quick after Brenda told them that was the work from a kind of magic that teleported them to some kind of different plane.

Views: 309 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 8

Chapter 8 – 1st Passage of the Legend: The Awakening of War God

(What in the holy…… mother creator name is that……?)
Brenda was dumbfounded by what unfolding in front of her eyes.
Thanks to the tremor caused by the giant golem foot step, she gets her focus back to the battle. If not for that she might still be fazed by what she just saw.
That shows just how much shocking the thing that happens before her eyes was.

Views: 397 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 7

Chapter 7 – To the Forest Where Evil Lurks

2 days has passed since they accept the request.
Renya and his other team mates have already arrived at the request destination point, the forest on the mountain base.
After actually coming here, the forest really isn’t that dense. It doesn’t yet reach the level where trees are overgrown everywhere and obstruct the sunlight from coming. The spaces between trees are also sparse, which make humans or monster alike won’t get much trouble wandering inside.

Views: 296 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 6

Chapter 6 – At Last! An Event Flag!

The two starts their lives at Minseia doing small works steadily. Because they don’t want to attract too many attentions at this early start, they only do simple works that can be done at most by a single day. And not only focused in 1 place but as much place that they can reach. There’s a reason why they did so.

Views: 1146 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 5

Chapter 5 – The Knowledgeable 3rd Rate Flag Constructor

“Things unexpectedly going smoothly”
“Yeah… while most of the standard rule flag got broken”
“And I thought I could at last depend a bit on my god power… what a letdown”

Views: 331 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 4

Chapter 4 – Standard Rule

“…… it would seems to be successful”
When Renya realizes it, the surrounding scenery had already changed. He calmly observes his surrounding and realizes that he’s been awoken on a riverbank. Seems like a river flowing inside a forest. Renya notices a bridge nearby, probably there’s a road nearby.

Views: 335 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 3


“This world is.. woah, what the heck is this monster paradise.”
“That world is already in the level of civilization where they are able to hunt for food”
“Pass Pass, that still stone age isn’t it? Such backwater world is a no. How about that one?”
“This world.. is a matrimonial based one, women is the dominant one there”
“Pass, Turning that kind of common sense upside down is not something I want to do. That one?”

Views: 324 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 2


Chapter 2 – The Birth of Young War God
“That’s why for the time being I’m going to take my time on future plans while reflecting myself.”
“Well isn’t it fine for the time being?”
After shouting out all the stress that has been over accumulated recently, the young lad with black hair, Toujou Renya is now having a conversation with a girl with silver hair back in a room that he is familiar with.
Views: 314 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07

Young God Divine Armaments ch 1


Chapter 1 – Did You Think it’s the Last Boss? Too Bad! It’s the Prologue!

In a vast reddish wasteland that extend until the horizon. Crater that seems like have been hit by meteor, cavity that seems like getting gouged up, and cloud of sand blows fiercely can be seen as far away as one eyes can see. Inside this sight that made you think that even post war damage is a joke, more like it’s the end of the world, there are two people unfolding a battle that gets beyond mortals logic.

Views: 328 | Added by: irawanucoz | Date: 2015-11-07


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